Do More Good Deeds!

Words are our Best Weapon Against the Lies of History (Truth in the Root of the Word).

Your Deeds will Resound

Real Photo PostcardWhose Forefathers did such deeds?

Yes, their deeds will Resound, a GREAT SHAME that has been done for centuries, and which continue to this very day.


At the time postcards depicting lynching were made, many did not see them as depicting a heinous crime but as glorifying justice served. While this view is based on the tradition of Lynch Laws that allowed the administration of justice without resorting to the inefficiencies of the legal system, it most often functioned as the ritual murder of Blacks, especially by hanging, to maintain white supremacy through the use of terrorism.

A lynching was usually a festive community activity that attracted local photographers who would try to produce as many real photo postcards of the event as possible so they could be quickly sold as souvenirs.

Many of these “Humans” (see: Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, 1930 definition) and their off-spring cannot (and will not) acknowledge what they have done. Saying, “These things happened hundreds of years ago, I just want to forget it and move on”. I actually heard someone say that. Another wrote me an email (when I questioned her involvement in the same acts, but using “New” technology”). Her response was the EXACT same sentiment. Yet their very denial is reason why they cannot “move-on”, but continue to repeat the same acts (Deeds) of their Forefathers.

It is A worldwide Shame by all  “civilized” societies, that brought civility to the so-called barbarians they encountered in the lands they colonized.

No nation of people spoke-out or interjected on behalf of these people, on behalf of Humanity. However, it seems, everyone was all too eager to participate in their own way. What is interesting every person who arrives at the shores of those indigenous to the land, are all working from the same mindset, to disenfranchise, harm, torture and murder people native to the land. This Wetiko* (Cree word for psychopath) mindset is ingrained in societies with every kind of organization, Feed the Children, Help the Homeless, Save the Rainforest; however if you would look a little deeper you will see it is those same organizations, and their international partners, that are the very ones perpetrating these worldwide disfranchisement.

(See articles, An Heir to The Throne, Make Your Own Ark…Merkabah, and  The Aryan Question)

Isn’t it obvious  by now, this “human” cannot get along with anything on this planet, let alone its Original BEings?

This wetiko* (psychopath) mindset happens on a World-wide scale, and there is no one willing to stand up to this inhumanity and put a stop to it; so it continues today without sanctuary.*The Autochthon-American term Wetiko was brought into the forefront by  Jack D. Forbes in his writings, The American Discovery of Europe, (investigates the voyages of America’s Original people to the European continent before Columbus’s 1492 arrival in the “New World and Columbus and Other Cannibals: The Wetiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism. Below, Image from the Inquisition, 10-13 century.

Same people, same lineage, (seed)Traditional penitant garb-3Traditional penitant garb-1

Many of the people who attended lynchings as children in the 1930’s and 40’s must be still alive and walking the streets of the principal states of the lynching belt. It is also possible that their parents might still be alive. Nazi hunters have made an art of exposing war criminals through photographs taken in the death camp era. This strategy would have worked well against Southern lynch-mob killers who posed for the camera while murdering Autochthon-Americans in a campaign of terror that persisted into the 20th century, til this day.

Around the turn of the last century, many white people in the United States were eager to draw a thick, bold line separating the races. Sometimes they drew the line in blood. The Tuskegee Institute recorded nearly 5,000 lynchings of Autochthon-American people between 1880 and 1930. Historians say there were thousands more. But we know there are hundreds of thousands more not documented with a picture.

These are not people who are ashamed to be seen here. This is, ‘I want to be in this picture.

ON A JUNE NIGHT IN 1920, hundreds of angry men and thousands of curious onlookers surrounded the downtown headquarters of the Duluth police department. The crowd might have reached 10,000. They wanted the handful of police officers inside to turn over their prisoners – a group of young, black circus workers. The police had arrested the men earlier that day. They accused some of the out-of-towners of raping a young, white woman at the circus grounds. Later investigations cast serious doubt on the rape charges, but the howling mob outside the police station had no doubts.

“This is where the mob broke in,” says Michael Fedo, who wrote a book about the 1920 lynchings. “I think this was a Sears store or a hardware store. The mob came into this store – which is now the casino – and the proprietor gave them rope for the hangings and said it was on the house.”

Standing in the heart of downtown Duluth, Fedo points across Superior St. to a handsome, three-story brownstone building full of offices. The word “POLICE” is still carved in the stone over the door.

Fedo says when the mob closed in on the police station, the city’s public safety commissioner ordered the 12 officers inside to holster their guns. He didn’t want anyone in the crowd to get hurt. A few officers came out onto the street, and tried to fight the mob back with their bare hands and a fire hose. But the crowd surged past them into the jail, with a roar that could be heard a mile away.

“Most of the cells were on the second floor, so they went in and broke into several of the cells.”

While members of the mob sawed and smashed on the bars, some of the men inside the cells pleaded their innocence. Others prayed.

“The people in the mob believed that six had attacked the girl, so they tried to get six – they only managed to get into three of the cells. There were several people in the cells with the prisoners, asking questions, trying to find out in their minds who the six were among the more than a dozen who were in the cells,” says Fedo.

 The Duluth News Tribune’s front page, the day after the lynchings.
(Image courtesy of Minnesota Historical Society)

“The people who were outside were saying, ‘Just give us somebody,’ and that first somebody was a young man named Isaac McGhie, who was just thrown from the cell to the hands of the mob who took him out front, brought him up the hill here one block, where he was the first one hanged,” Fedo recalls.

Isaac McGhie was beaten and bloody when he got to this corner, right next to the Duluth Shrine Temple, which is still here.

“This is where they were brought to be hanged. I don’t know why they would have been brought up the hill instead of down the hill. But it may have been because there was a young man perched on top of this pole, and they just assumed, ‘He’s already there, we’ll take them up there, we’ll have this kid tie a knot on the lamppost above the street, and take care of business that way,'” says Fedo.

A priest named William Powers pushed his way to the front of the crowd, and climbed part way up the lamppost. The priest managed to quiet the crowd for a few moments. He begged them to stop. But members of the mob pulled Rev. Powers down, and hoisted Isaac McGhie up.

Then the mob dragged Elmer Jackson and Elias Clayton out of the jail, and up the hill to the street light. When all three men were hanging, battered and dead, the crowd parted so a photographer could capture the scene.

“This was a significantly posed photo,” says Fedo. “It took a couple of automobiles with lights to illuminate the scene so the photographer could get his picture taken.”

In the center of the crisp, black and white photo, Elmer Jackson and Isaac McGhie hang from the street light, stripped to the waist, their necks impossibly stretched and twisted. Elias Clayton lies beneath their feet, tossed onto the sidewalk, to make it easier to frame the picture. Dozens of men lean into the picture facing the camera.

“What this looks like is the kind of photo you would see at a hunting lodge, where the guys had been out shooting bear, and they came back and they said, ‘We got three.’ You can see people on tip-toe. They’ve crowded into this shot. These are not people who are ashamed to be seen here. This is, ‘I want to be in this picture.'”

“The one that quite stood out is the fellow who’s to the left of the bodies who is beaming. He looks like he’s very proud of what has transpired, and that is the face that really stands out to me,” says Fedo.

Someone made postcards out of the photo, and sold them as souvenirs. Postcards of lynchings were fairly common. A recent book, Without Sanctuary, is a collection of photos and postcards from nearly 100 lynchings. It includes the picture from Duluth.

A lynching in northern Minnesota was big news. It made headlines across the country. It stayed in the local news for months during the criminal trials that followed. Juries in Duluth convicted three men of rioting. The longest sentence served was two years. No one was convicted of murder. But one of the black men who survived the attack on the jail was convicted of rape, in spite of compelling evidence he was innocent. He served four years in prison.

And then, the story of the lynching disappeared from the news.

Another history can be told about the killing of indigenous Australians. One such history is here

Even in death there was no sanctuary. Here the body is being ridiculed.


Postcards are more than a visual report. Such as these are political statements in a campaign waged against Original Autochthon-Americans ( a description that is more appropriate.) The images are being used as a political weapon in a campaign of terrorism in the American South, and now we see this same campaign all over the world.

The text to the above photo postcard (taken around 1900) says that it is the “bludgeoned body of a “so-called” African American male, propped in a rocking chair, blood splattered clothes, white and dark paint applied to the face and head, shadow of man using rod to prop up the victims head.” (location unknown)

Local photographers were a part of the mob and sided with them. As you can see from the pictures these are not critical images. They affirm what is going on.

A Rare Post Card of the Leo M. Frank Lynching.

Images taken from James Allen ed., Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America (2004)

Lynching of Nease Gillespie, John Gillespie and Jack Dillingham, Salisbury, Georgia, 1906

Postcard of lynching of William Stanley, Temple, Texas 1915. Reverse reads “This is the barbecue we had last night my  is to the left with a cross over it your son Joe.”

Lynching of Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith, Marion, Indiana, 1930 (one of the victims hair kept as a keepsake)

Postcard from lynching of Will James, Cairo, Illinois 1909

Postcard of lynching of Virgil Jones, Robert Jones, Thomas Jones, and Joseph Riley, Russelville, Kentucky, 1908

 Frank’s Eyes…whose essence lives in everyone that sees them.There will be absolute and utter Atonement.
 Frank Embree--Lynched by the Progenitors of Nazisim

Images of the lynching of Frank Embree, Fayette, Missouri 1899

An excerpt from Blood at the Root (Lynching as American Cultural Nucleus)

Explores lynching’s constitutive formations of black and white citizenship in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Examines privileged legal and psychological constructions of white subjectivity while investigating the oppression of black subjects forced to relinquish personhood in the American public sphere, where the privileges of citizenship were preserved by extending exclusively to white men the power to touch, observe, and torture the body of the Other with curiosity and violence. The public squares, court houses, and churches that served as settings for lynching are now valorized by American exceptionalism, but for African-Americans they were stages of suffering, as Saidiya V. Hartman has called them, as well as places of political lack.

Rotten to the Core

Proud perpetrator posing for this photo postcard sent through the mail in Mississippi in the early 1900s.

Proud perpetrator posing for this photo postcard sent through the mail in Mississippi in the early 1900s.

Their fear of others, is actually fear of themselves. These pictures are not only pictures (taken by their kind) of their crimes against humanity, but it depicts their true nature, caught on film, by them, for them ( until now).

And yet they Still deny, and continue killing. However now these Lynchings have a  new name and new technology.

Today this Beast has perfected his torture. Electromagnetic Weapons has become his new weapon of choice to commit crimes.

The use of technology with media-driven  (mind mapped) kinship in all races of people has enabled this wetiko mindset to flourish. Its seed has polluted many, so it is no longer just the so-called white folks shown in these pictures doing these deeds but others of various race.

Electronics their new weapon to commit  murder? The use of  iPhones “smart” phones, Text Messages to group stalk, harass (push, fight) and disenfranchise victims. Heart-attack inducing weapons, and ritual killings.

There are many missing tales that are not told. The tales of eating the body parts (special recipes for cooking the Penis, the Head, the Buttocks),  of using babies as alligator bait, and demonic  rituals and ceremonies. Yes, these are the tales they will not tell you. But these are the Deeds that they continue to this day.


An old chief was teaching his grandson about life:

“A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.
“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

“One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.

“The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

“This same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
“Which wolf will win?”

The old chief simply replied,
“The one YOU feed.”

–Cherokee Parable

Examine where these ideologies come from, their mechanism for use and why. Labels such as Black/White are legal terms (among others). What Exactly are you agreeing to? Who is benefiting from those agreements (and deeds)?

Change those agreements by changing what you Call Yourself; then stop behaving like them. Your sheer defiance (Selflessness) not to harm others moves you from the mindset of total destruction, fear, scarcity – to the mindset of humanity, abundance and harmony with all.

Discover Who and What You Are – don’t be mislead into believing you are like them.

Love yourSelf, Trust yourSelf!

We woke up!



71 comments on “Your Deeds will Resound

  1. Pingback: Bridging the Gap / Nazi = Freemason = Satanist (Luciferianism)…Know the Game Being Played | Do More Good Deeds!

  2. Pingback: Unlawful Detainment and Kidnapping- U.N. Violations | Do More Good Deeds!

  3. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    September 20, 2014


    [Regarding DNA Blood Testing, donations and samples]

    Do NOT Give Them Your DNA! People are promoting getting your DNA tested to trace your indigenous bloodline. Remember, they work by CONSENT. They know who everybody REALLY is (particularly those involved in Black Budget Projects). DO Not Allow these “people” to have your consent to use your DNA for anything! They ARE using it for nefarious purposes.

    Information regarding inheritable blood, see comment section of Take A Stand, or Six Nations.

  4. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    October 1, 2014

    Press Release -Public Notice -Public Record



    Press Release -People Notice -People Record

  5. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    October 6, 2014

    Download Do More Good Deeds Videos…
    and repost, Thank you ♥

    The Tim Wise Lecture, per the notice, was posted 2yrs ago! at a University. This notice is on the heels of posting the above video which notes the involvement of ALL secret societies in child abduction, genocide, and countless other crimes against Humanity.

    Click to access domoregooddeeds-invoke-divine-law-halls-of-maat.pdf

    Their Biggest hold over you is your Fear!

  6. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    October 12, 2014

    You can’t claim anything as a “Person”, under their system.
    But the real question is, does It have inheritable blood?
    Challenge their Sovereignty.

    No Inheritable Blood…The Aryan Question

    subscribe to the above youtube account

  7. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    October 26, 2014

    PRESS RELEASE: October 30, 2014


    Stages of Genocide, Influences leading to Genocide:
    For genocide to happen, there must be certain preconditions. Foremost among them is a national culture that does not place a high value on human life.

    A totalitarian society, with its assumed superior ideology, is also a precondition for genocidal acts.In addition, members of the dominant society must perceive their potential victims as less than fully human: as “pagans,” “savages,” “uncouth barbarians,” “unbelievers,” “effete degenerates,” “ritual outlaws,” “racial inferiors,” “class antagonists,” “counterrevolutionaries,” and so on.

    In themselves, these conditions are not enough for the perpetrators to commit genocide. To do that— commit genocide—the perpetrators need a strong, centralized authority and bureaucratic organization as well as pathological individuals and criminals. Also required is a campaign of vilification and dehumanization of the victims by the perpetrators.

  8. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    November 2, 2014

    Postliminium Declared- November 01, 2014

  9. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    November 8, 2014

    PRESS RELEASE: Norway Forfeits All Land and All Resources

    Friday, November 7, 2014

  10. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    November 13, 2014

    PRESS RELEASE Norway Loses $860 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund to Indigenous Land Owner

    Northern Lands (formerly Oslo, Norway) – Thursday, 13 November 2014

  11. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    November 27, 2014

    Press Release -Public Notice -Public Record

    “Well, you know We (Norwegians) believe the Vikings were Indians from America”. —Norwegian Bus Driver (Nov. 24, 2014)

    Read the backstory:Eire, Erie……Sherie Irie!

    You are all hereby Deputized as Public Notaries

    Definition: deputize To temporarily act or speak on behalf of someone else. See About page.

    Please advise/ inform your community of the actions transcribed in the Press Release; this will ensure the record IS recorded and filed in the Public domain (by the Public itself) and not beholden to the former Private Bar Guild to act on our behalf.

    All Matters Pertaining to and relating to the aforementioned Press Release are for PUBLIC NOTICE- PUBLIC AWARENESS AND FILING.

    I AM, Sovereign Crown Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers: EL, Creator, God, ELOHIM
    [So It Is]

    History of Notaries, excerpt:
    The history of notaries is set out in detail in Chapter 1 of Brooke’s Notary (13th edition)

    The office of a public notary is a public office. It has a long and distinguished history. The office has its origin in the civil institutions of ancient Rome. Public officials, called scribae, that is to say, scribes, rose in rank from being mere recorders of facts and judicial proceedings, copiers and transcribers to a learned profession prominent in private and public affairs. Some were permanent officials attached to the Senate and courts of law whose duties were to record public proceedings, transcribe state papers, supply magistrates with legal forms, and register the decrees and judgments of magistrates.

    Traditionally, notaries recorded matters of judicial importance as well as private transactions or events where an officially authenticated record or a document drawn up with professional skill or knowledge was required.

    What are Civil law notary, Notary Public.

  12. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    December 2, 2014

    The video is very tampered with, sound and image…but the proof is in the pictures- A Worldly Presence.

    Not JUST American, But a Global People- Indigenous to All Lands
    See Article:

    VERY IMPORTANT, See Article: The Aryan Question which relates to all the lynching and killing…and the reasons why.

  13. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    December 3, 2014

    Special Note: December 3, 2014

    I have been receiving considerable pushback, more than usual, since the posting of the article The Aryan Question as well as information relative to the REAL Vikings and Indigenous People of the Region, Eire, Erie…Sherie Irie!

    Why is that?(you ask). Because if they are not the indigenous “Aryan” phenotype portrayed in their history books (and it is actually You) then they have no legs to stand on. Not Aryan, Not Viking…then what the hell are they!

    From challenges comes Songs!??? Confusing as it may sound its true. While enduring some serious opposition a song (out of the blue) popped into my mind, “Don’t Give Up On Us Baby”. Yes, that don’t give up on us baby from the 1970s (I had to look it up)by David Soul of Starky and Hutch fame. [if you’ve seen my I NEED Candy video you will probably know why]

    I guess Truth was (is) REALLY Written in the Stone.

  14. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    December 5, 2014


    If you don’t know, and I can’t see how you could not THE INVASION HAS ALREADY HAPPENED!

    I alluded to it in the article, I Would Be Remiss If I Didn’t Mention this, but NOW YOU HAVE TO ACT LIKE YOU KNOW.

    They feed-off Your energy (Lifeforce)! they feed-off the energy of your children. This is the reason behind most of those backpacks and luggage. You must look into those bags…DONT LET THEM DO THAT TO YOU!

    You CAN SEE THEM, Don’t Be Fooled. They Always give themselves away because they can Only mimic behaviour, it isn’t innate, and plus they look guilty as sh#t.
    Just ask yourSELF the question, why are so many people wearing watches while carrying cellphones. What are they REALLY used for?????

  15. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    December 6, 2014
  16. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    December 16, 2014

    You are going to have to work Double Time! They are trying to Hide, Do Not Let Them Hide!
    You know when you are on to something when they start pulling movie trailers, replacing movies with fake ones. Go To imdb to see real movie trailer with English
    Transfer (2010) to overSTAND what they are doing.

    The above movie was linked to (a year ago) in the article, Your Eyes Wont Believe What Your Mind Can Conceive.

  17. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    December 16, 2014

    They will tell you, but will send it straight to video and you will never hear about it again.
    Best review ever! (questions asked are answers:

    Janteloven (Law of Jante)
    These laws became social customs in the Nordic countries right around the time of the rise of the Nazis.

    Back in 2012, someone translated them to me. While she read them, I asked her who was Us? She said that it referred to everybody, the people. I asked her, to read them again…this time slowly. Once she finished, I noted that You seems to refer to everybody, but Us seems to refer to someone totally differnt.

    The Ten Rules state:

    1. You are not to think you are anything special.
    2. You are not to think you are as good as we are.
    3. You are not to think you are smarter than we are.
    4. You are not to convince yourself that you are better than we are.
    5. You are not to think you know more than we do.
    6. You are not to think you are more important than we are.
    7. You are not to think you are good at anything.
    8. You are not to laugh at us.
    9. You are not to think anyone cares about you.
    10. You are not to think you can teach us anything.

    These social customs (unspoken laws) where modeled after the book, A Fugutive Crosses His Tracks (1933) by Aksel Sandemose.

    These ten principles, or commandments, are often claimed to form the “Jante’s Shield” of the Scandinavian people. In the book, the Janters who transgress this unwritten law are regarded with suspicion and some hostility, as it goes against the town’s communal desire to preserve harmony, social stability and uniformity.

    related articles:
    *Secret Societies Biggest Fear: The Meta Gene
    *Cloned Nation, Synthetic Cities (Body Snatchers)
    *No Inheritable Blood…The Aryan Question
    *Human is a Form, Not a Race
    *The Germ that Infected the World
    *Hate Me But Love My Genes

  18. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    December 29, 2014

    Information relating to article: Things you should do…Things you should know.

    The video will have to be re-edited and broken down into segments, as there are a few issues at play (though they are related).
    1. Why are these Nation-States interest in the Arctic Circle, and it is NOT for Fishing rights.
    2. What is the connection between Sovereign Wealth Funds and Oil
    3. What EXACTLY is Oil/Gas? What are the base elements, and what are the methods used to “refine” it?
    4. Why are they so interested in location the origins of the Ancient race?

  19. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    January 6, 2015

    Don’t Let Them Hide…Exposing Historical Lies

    Last year someone asked me, “when are you going back to America?” I was so tired of this question by random people I just blurted-out, “How do you know this isn’t America!”.

    Well here is an excerpt from the book, 1814-2014 Norwegian Constitution. American Inspiration (Red, White and Blue)

    In the Westerns there is frequently a scene in which one of the heroes walks into a bar, prompting a couple of scary-looking men to stand up and say: “You guys ain’t from here, are ya?” From then on our heroes need to let their fist do the talking.

    This scene took place for me personally when, as a young employee at the Norwegian Embassy in Washington, D.C., I was in meetings in the Midwest. A co-worker and I were on our way to meet some colleagues at a bar, which turned out to have the same name as a truck-stop bar on the outskirts of Minneapolis. This resulted in the cab leaving us in a neighbourhood where it was not a good idea to be late at night.

    As fine Norwegian adventurers, we thought that we might as well drop in for a beer before we left for home. It was then that we heard the famous line from the Western- just as ten tough-looking men rose up from their stools. It was obvious to us that two men in suits didn’t belong there. What we didn’t expect was the answer we stuttered in response in reality proved the opposite, “No, we’re from Norway.”

    (Cont’d from book) Who are these Norwegian Americans? My grandfather’s Brother was one of them. He first settled in the Norwegian District of Brooklyn, in Julekake (Christmas cookie) Avenue. Much was unknown. He was especially anxious about Meeting those he caleled “burned Stavanger boys”, who today are known as African Americans.

    Who is a Bodhisattva Warrior? You Are!

  20. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    January 13, 2015

    Thank you all for the many visits. I really appreciate it!

    The most wondered question…(and yes, I can hear your thoughts.) “who are these songs for?” “Is she sending messages to someone?” Is she in love? Did the person die?….” No, These songs, and This love is For You.

    A writer put it very nicely when he was away from the one he loved, he said.

    “No Wind, No Rain, Nor Winter’s Cold, Can Stop Me Baby. If You’re My Goal”

  21. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    January 15, 2015

    Stranger Than Fiction…it is presumed this recent attack (see note at end of Press Release) is the result of a discovery I made when researching a comic book, see The Secret Master for details.

    The fictional writing, Hellboy, gives very graphic plans issued by the Germans during World War II; as well as influences and discoveries made by the U.S. and Russia post-war.

    It outlines a project called, Lebenskraft, an army of artificial men and a ‘War on Frogs’.

    Although written with a fictional nature, the similarities to the Nazi Project, Lebensborn cannot be overlooked, see The Aryan Question….I think not!

  22. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    January 17, 2015

    You cannot fight them on their terms, using their methods; war, dissention, bestiality, perversion, lies – all things they used to build their society.

    You have to Go Where They Can Not Go…The Heart!

    Lone Feather 144,000/ Between Worlds
    “…so this time we are trying a different approach. No more prophets, saviors & avatars that they can use to create religions. This time we are sending in thousands – actually hundreds of thousands – of ordinary light beings with only two assignments:
    1) Stay in your heart. Regardless of what happens, stay in your heart.
    2) Remember who you are, why you are here and what this is all about.”

    They cannot hold on to that frequency! I was listening to love songs as I was working…then all of a sudden creepers started leaving. Where the Hell are you going!??? I guess love must be a yucky feeling for them. Is it a cure? Sure does seem like it. See, Found A Cure!

  23. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    January 22, 2015

    Norwegians Trillion-Dollar Oil Problem just got Deeper. Norway Ordered to Stop Drilling!

    Northern Lands (formerly Oslo, Norway) – January 21, 2015

  24. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    January 28, 2015


    Indigenous Land Owner Repossess Norway

    Northern Lands (formerly Oslo, Norway) – January 26, 2015

  25. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    January 29, 2015

    It allows them to hide.

    (print, email and distribute in your communities. YOU must Make it an Issue, if not they will continue to hide.)

    Norwegians Trillion Dollar Problem Just Got Deeper

    Click to access norwegians-trillion-dollar-problem-just-got-deeper.pdf

    Indigenous Land Owner Repossess Norway

    Click to access indigenous-land-owner-reposses-norway.pdf

    The Hague, International Court of Justice

  26. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    February 7, 2015

    City loads of people missing. Inner-city projects empty overnight.
    Can’t you see you are being picked-off one by one!?

    Human is a Form, Not A Race

    Conquer Your Fear: The Secret Master and The Meta-Gene

  27. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    February 13, 2015

    Norwegian Government Shutdown-February 13,2015 (Pdf)


    Northern Lands – February 13, 2015

    FINAL DECISION: All courts of law, government offices and legal structures administered by the Norwegian Government cease operations. Must Be Shared.

  28. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    February 18, 2015

    New Roles for Norwegians-16Feb15 (Pdf)


    Northern Lands – February 16, 2015

    Sovereign Crown Denderah, issued new roles for the Norwegians to follow for continued land use.

  29. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    February 21, 2015

    Please, pay attention. As strange and simple as it may seem,
    You MUST Dance!

    See Article: Time Has Come At Last!

    You MUST REMOVE THEM! Knights of Malta, Secret Societies, Nazis, Military and Police all working for Hidden “People” and Invading energy forces who All Hide Behind Technology. You MUST REMOVE THEM!

  30. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    February 22, 2015

    Northern Lands – February 20, 2015 – From Beginningless Time

    “You must remove yourself from their concept of “Time”, that is a Trap.
    Their cycle (Time) is over!”

  31. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    February 26, 2015

    Click on the playlist and download the videos.
    It ALL starts with Lebensborn (The Holocaust, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments); and what they set-out to Create. The Real birthing centers were in fact underground.

    Worlds Deadliest Drug – Used to disorientate you, make you more compliant.

    Remove (Flush) Toxins from the Body – Protect yourself
    Meta Gene – Know who you are, and fight them

    Hate Me, But Love My Genes – Secret Birthing Centers. Millions of toddlers and teens (world-wide), yet no parents

    Weapons Disguised as Headlights – Used to immobilize. Particle discharge

    It ALL should have Started with The Aryan Question. They use cellphones (advance technologies) to track you, harness your energy, and Hide.

    Don’t Let Them Do That to You!

  32. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    March 17, 2015

    Sun, Moon, Stars… Polaris
    Polaris- in motion, emotion
    Polaris, In Motion-Emotion

    Keep on dancing!!!

    See, The Coming Race

  33. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    April 4, 2015

    On March 26 thru March 30 I was kidnapped by the Norwegian Police who were trying to (once again) align me with the artifical (ALL CAPS) person, which is the state property passport.

    [Note: I was held and moved all through the use false documents. They created a passport under the fraudulent ALL CAPS character, l heard them say photoshop and passport. The officers involved were from Gronland Police station, Immigration and Trandum. They were working in tandem for the Schengen agreement, which is in part a commerce (goods) based agreement. So why would they break their own laws. Because I am worth a lot, and so are You!]

    Unlawful Detainment and Kidnapping- U.N. Violations

    During the time I was being held (hidden and moved) I was grabbed and thrown (Knocking my back out of place and lying on the floor unable to move for about 28 Hours.) I was assulted, grabbed and beaten by these “people”. In one incident, one of the male Schengen (agreement) agent told the two women agents to leave.Once gone he kneed my stomach repeatedly by bracing himsellf between two head rest, lifting himself up and raming his knee into my stomach over and over and over trying to force my back to bend into the car seat, while the other male agent held my arms.

    They took me by plane to JFK, and left me there at 1:00AM
    . No phone, no money, and I dont know anyone here. An officer at JFK was nice enoght to make some suggestions that got me a safe ride into the city, but once here I still had no place to go.

    Why would they do this?
    Because I AM the Original Land Owner of ALL Lands, A Global Empire. As I said before, if one of Us is Free from their system We Can Stop Them!

    *Two factors of particular importance: Is the nationality in question acquired automatically, or through some form of registration;– If nationality is acquired automatically, then the person is a national regardless of documentation status.-

    THIS IS KEY: If registration is required then the person is not a national until that has been completed.

    In other words, certain people can NEVER be a national or citizen because they existed before the construct of nations, states and were the grantors that gave foreigners permission to establish colonies (Trading post, Commerce).

    If you are Free you can stop them! They rely on your agreements and participation in their system.

  34. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    April 9, 2015


    Sovereignty is an Absolute Right and Must Be Protected, and the responsibility to protect Real and Ancient Royalty from invading forces must be upheld.

    Sovereign Immunity is a legal doctrine of protection against States, Courts, and Governments from illegal acts against royal heirs. In constitutional monarchies the sovereign is the historical origin of the authority which created the courts. Thus the courts has no powerto compel the Sovereign to be bound by the courts, as they were created by the Sovereign for the protection of his or her subjects (People).

    When Nations – States fail to protect their Sovereign from mass atrocities and crimes against humanity, they lose their Sovereign-State status and forfeit all implied rights to land, property, and resources.


    Click to access united-nations-foreign-affairs-department.pdf

  35. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    April 12, 2015


    Sovereignty is an Absolute Right and Must Be Protected, and the responsibility to protect Real and Ancient Royalty from invading forces must be upheld.

    Sovereign Immunity is a legal doctrine of protection against States, Courts, and Governments from illegal acts against royal heirs. In constitutional monarchies the sovereign is the historical origin of the authority which created the courts. Thus the courts has no power to compel the Sovereign to be bound by the courts, as they were created by the Sovereign for the protection of his or her subjects (People).

    When Nations–States fail to protect their Sovereign from mass atrocities and crimes against humanity, they lose their Sovereign-State status and forfeit all implied rights to land, property, and resources.


    Click to access united-nations-foreign-affairs-department.pdf

    Remove the false construct
    (destroyer mode) ALL article updates will cease…..except one.

    DESTROYER: In naval terminology, a destroyer is a fast maneuverable long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet, convoy and defend them against smaller powerful short-range attackers.

    Renunciation, IT IS A MUST!

    Vi (We) Kings

  36. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    May 7, 2015

    “…whether created from moisture of womb, magic , or machine I deem them Free from any implied ownership.”


  37. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    May 10, 2015

    Ports are trade agreements for moving cargo, vessels and products from one port to another. Passports (pass, enter the port (shipment) for commerce) is your agreed participation to be used, shared and exchanged. A vessel.

    We (The People) Don’t Need YOU!

  38. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    May 18, 2015

    (I needed same candy, instead I found this)
    Remember when I attended those meeting on Land Restitution 2 yrs ago, that was taking place in South America? If not see some of the brief notes I was able to save in the comment section of Six Nations Joint House Resolution 331. It talks about how these governmets /corporations are trying to hang-on and continue to leech-off you by issuing new agreements for land development, and maintenance of the infrastructure.

    Well I noticed China’s name looking a little ‘Amended’. Now appearing next to their ‘flag’ is Hong Kong SAR China.

    What is SAR? (you ask)
    Its them ADMITTING they have no claim to land (and all its resources). And as I have said on numerous occasions, THEY HAVE TO GIVE IT BACK!

    Hong Kong SAR (Special Administrative Region) is the unique name given to Hong Kong city and surrounding region. Macau is also known as the Macau SAR. (Macau SAR). The name reflects each region’s semi –autonomous relationship with China, where they retain control over domestic and economic affairs but China controls foreign policy – at least that’s a basic summation.

    Special administrative regions of China are effectively separate countries with their own local administrations. They remain governed by Beijing on matters of foreign affairs and national defence. China currently has two special administrative zones – also known as SAR, Hong Kong and Macau, and Beijing has suggested that if Taiwan returned to Chinese rule, then it too would be made a special administrative region.

    Return to Chinese rule? That would imply…They are FREE!

    It is the same everywhere, you just have yo Stop operating under their imagined system where as State Property it is Legal (in their perverted minds) to kill you and molest children.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: They cannot claim SAR either because I (as the original ancient root race to this planet) claimed it all, and the people are protected by my sovereigntyfrom them attempting to use them as collateral, and make a deal. Even if people are still confused and are not aware of what is taking place they cannot be harmed or moved off planet by them.

  39. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    June 4, 2015

    Announced: JFK Told to Remove Structural Damage…NY & NJ Port Authority
    Block their frequencies. THEY KNOW THE TRUE PURPOSE OF THAT STRUCTURE. Today the security prevented me from seeing the management team at Terminal 1, John F. Kennedy Airport. Delivering vendor notifications, public view of announcements, meet with Terminal 1 management group.

    Please Refer to Announcements listed in the Press Release-Public Notice – Public Record

    Questions to demand of THEM:
    Is there a sovereign heir on the land?
    Yes, Sovereign Crown Denderah Cherokee Washitaw Brothers EL (ELOHIM)

    Did the sovereign heir reclaim the land they are currently using?
    Yes, through Postliminium (announced, Nov.1, 2014-Beginningless Time), The Return of All Power and Authority to Sovereign Authority, Sovereign Crown Denderah (announced May 21 (End Time ) – Beginningless Time) the Official Order Terminate All Functions Held by Port Authority of New York & New Jersey.

    DId the sovereign establish Law?
    Yes, The RESURRECTION and reestablishment of Divine Law, The Law of MA’AT (announced September 11, 2014 from Beginningless Time)

    Did the soveregn give them permission to use the property? Or has a new agreement been issued? No

    Therefore, they have no right to use her property, and no rights to Any Land.

    Definition Land

    The term ‘land’ includes all physical elements in the wealth of a nation bestowed by nature; such as climate, environment, fields, forests, minerals, mountains, lakes, streams, seas, and animals. As an asset, it inludes anything (1) onthe ground, (such as , buildings, crops, fences, trees, water), (2) above the ground (air and space rights), and (3) under the ground (mineral rights) down to th enter of the Earth.


    See articles:
    I AM The Authorty of ALL PORTS
    Take A Stand…Its Your Land
    No Inheritable Blood

    You are all hereby Deputized as Public Notaries

    Definition: deputize To temporarily act or speak on behalf of someone else. See About page.

    Please advise/ inform your community of the actions transcribed in the Press Release; this will ensure the record IS recorded and filed in the Public domain (by the Public itself) and not beholden to the former Private Bar Guild, or their agents to act on our behalf.

    All Matters Pertaining to and relating to the aforementioned Press Release are for PUBLIC NOTICE- PUBLIC AWARENESS AND FILING.

    I AM, Sovereign Crown Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers: EL, Creator, God, ELOHIM
    [So It Is, Thus thus]

    Port of Authority NY & NJ, did you know they manage and their headquaters is located at the World Trade Center?
    Things that make you say, GET THE FUCK OUT!
    Their Time is Over. (I have been at JFK Airport for over 2 months, they (both Port of Authorty and the All Terminal management groups) know who I AM and information has been in public view (announced) at Starbucks in the food area.)

    Send them the announcements listed in the Press Release after April 25 End Time, as well as the newly annonced June 1 (End Time).

  40. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    June 4, 2015

    I was sitting in a secluded area working on the above documentation for CEASE and DESIST, when Port Authority agents came over with device inside luggage, which causes numbing and drowziness. You will notice the agent move close to where I am sitting to retrieve it before leaving.

  41. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    June 8, 2015

    Compassion the New name of the Game

    Listen to the terminology they use.THIS IS KEY
    When asked, “Do you want to buy (purchase) something?” Tell them , No, I want it for free.”

  42. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    June 12, 2015

    The dollar has already collapsed. Their system is operating on auto-pilot.

    You must claim yourSELF, and create your own Sovereign Community (see, CEASE and DESIST). Everything is Free and has been reclaimed, you just have to act on it.

    (image: the fare box on the bus illustrates that, the dollar is crossed out, and the coins show no amount on them, and the image is very, very, very light.

    Tell the driver, “Can I get a ride to…” He is oblige to say yes. Why?Because you own your communities, you just haven’t Stood-Up yet!

  43. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    June 18, 2015

    IMPORTANT: Haiti / Dominica Mass Culling, You Must Stop Them!

    I don’t watch television, nor do I follow the news, but yesterday I caught a glance of what they are trying to do in Dominica.Please be aware, there are agents in your communities, whose job it is to collect souls, through persuasion or intimidation.

    YOU MUST STOP THEM- from Beginningless Time.
    It is 12:30pm and as soon as I type Dominica, an agent showed up. Why? Because they are scared you will wake- up and not go along with the program.

    Its the same land, same people. What’s wrong with you!
    They are attempting new agreements for the rights to your biological material. They need your body, but need your consent to give it to them.(Please Note, No matter the attempt, ALL PEOPLE WERE DECLARED FREE. See Announcement)

    One Island, Two Worlds: Conflict between The Dominican Republic and Haiti film Cristo Rey 2013.

    (Please stay tuned in, I will attach an affidavit.If you have already registered for residency, you need to simply Rescind offer and Void request (documents), and return them with Affidavit of your true self (and not an artificial commodity, i.e. Citizen)

    Its a Spirtual war, no violence necessary. Because you are God, and that is what he does not want you to know.

    (Cristo Rey, directed by Leticia Tonos Paniagua, 2013)

    Many of the current problems between Haiti and the Dominican Republic are based on the fact that millions of Haitians are currently living in the Dominican. Even though some of them were born in the DR, the police and the general public still mistreat them.

    ALWAYS look past the propaganda to the truth. Why are these people so despised? Could it be they possess a secret strain of melanin that stops the beast.

  44. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    September 10, 2015

    I Declare FREEDOM!

    I won’t let you down.
    I will not give you up.
    Got to have some Faith in the Sound, it’s the one good thing that I got!

    Their Rules are for another Person, Everyone’s got themselves.
    I don’t belong to you, and you don’t belong to me!

    Jamaica Hospital Medical Center
    Held me under a false identity and refuse to correct their records to be in compliance with their states (U.N.) court orders which illustrate I AM not a part of their Jurisdiction, I AM Sovereign, I AM Indigenous and I AM Stateless. See: Joint Commission

    All We have to do is take these Lies (History) and make them True (Expose).
    That’s What YOU Get!

  45. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    October 10, 2015

    “The Universe operates off laws. It is the violations and absence of law on this Planet that has allowed these things to happen. People must be reinstructed on universal law, and remove themselves from this lawless system.”

  46. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    October 12, 2015

    While I was being held Against My Will at Jamaica Hospital, I was asked who was my next of kin, not emergency contact but next of kin. It was clear they knew what I was saying was true and were attempting to circumvent a way to prevent it.

    Public Record – Public Notice:
    “I, Denderah Cherokee Washitaw Brothers El, do not have a next of kin. Thus, anyone claiming to be my family (Facebook, any other social media or document), should be avoided. Only those who are Indigenous, Stateless, and a Non-Person do I claim as family. All others are agents for the State and Citizens.”

    This movie shows how the Indians were conquered through Religion (and discord).

    Set in 1634 New France (North America) during the period of conflicts known as the Beaver Wars, the film begins in the settlement that will one day become Quebec City. Jesuit (Church/ State) Missionaries try to encourage the local Algonquin Indians to accept Christianity by using deception and conflict with other tribes.

    400 years later their tactics have changed very little. They use the same methods to conquer- Religion, Entertainment, Education and Medicine.

    Raise Your Frequency and all Spirits will work with you to Re-establish Justice.

  47. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    October 30, 2015

    Movie: Thank God It’s Friday
    “A movie that shows how truly splendid man can be when he is Free and Natural.”

    Find those that are like you vibrationally. Live together, support one another.
    This is the mass culling because They can’t take your frequency.

  48. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    November 22, 2015


    Whether you vote for something, or against it. Your action of voting means you are in agreement. They do not want you to know you consent to your own mistreatment.

    See Related Article for details:

  49. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    December 25, 2015

    (Chart) Is it Really about taxes? In an attempt to combat the increasing U.S. renunciation, the State Department has raised their fee from $450.00 to $2,350.00!

    The Fraud,the Birth Certificate

    Collapse The Trust-Nobody Can Be You

  50. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    February 22, 2016

    IMPORTANT: Stand Up Heirs to the Land (hidden inside other peoples families)

    I have been conducting a fact-finding weekend into how the governments (States) usurped the land from the original land owners. l discovered many of their agents married into the family of the land owners and stole the land through agreements. An example is the state-issued name on the Birth Certificate. The birth NAME is an agreed-upon lie by people working on behalf of the State to help them claim land. Your physial body is also property. Like a Title Loan the all caps YOU is the collateral borrowed against for State Operations. Your particpation is required for them to take the land and you through your State ID (Passport, Driver’s License, Social Security number).

    Do NOT Vote —Stay Out of Their System!

    You may have to separate from family members that have agreements with Governments.Family members will work against you for personal gain, benefits and profits. Just because you were raised with/or by someone does not mean they are your family and are like you. It has to do with the heart vibration.

    We Stood-Up!
    I need your help to get the below document out, with the first few pages of the U.S. Embassy (Norway) Affidavit Dec. 22, 2011 found at American Relinquish IMPLIED U.S. Citizenship to Save Lives to all court houses and tell them TO FILE. They will give it a miscellaneous file number in their court records. The complete document was also hand delivered to the United Nations Indigenous Issues Dept on April 20, 2015.

    Send it to all county court houses by Fax, Email, Certified Mail, or Return Receipt. Especially those small impoverished southern towns like Dillon County, Scotsland County, Marion County, Mullins County in South Carolina and North Carolina.

    Help Us To Stand Together

    stateless document return land to The People

    Take A Stand…Its Your Land

    All Constitutions Are Trust!

    You are not alone anymore

  51. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    April 5, 2016

    Collapse the Trusts, Transfer the Deeds.

    I do not have a “Mother” or a “Father”, both are terms to denote State citizens and property through the Birth Certificate. I AM Stateless and the Indigenous Heir to the Lands and all its resources.

    Share this,

  52. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    April 12, 2016

    It is said, the last stone you unturn holds the key to it all.

    Since I am in Cocoa Florida conducting this reseach, please send the above Court Document noting my stateless status to all county court houses throughout the region. THANK YOU!

    Public Notice – Public Record
    “I, Denderah Cherokee Washitaw Brothers EL, (or any other misnomer used by State Citizens or agents) do not have a Mother, or a Father. I do not have a Birth Record, Certificate of Birth or Parent which denote state property, (i.e. Ward of the State).

  53. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    June 4, 2016

    This information Must Be Taken Serious. And ACT!

    You Are Being Replaced in Record Numbers, stealing eggs to manufacture their people. These creatures and those that help them must be Destroyed.Pay attention to these overly smart Toddlers.

    They are created in underground basements and special areas of hospitals.

    See: Stealing Eggs the new way to conceive?

    Human is a Form, Not a Race

    You Must Say (Invoke)
    “Anything that was created using my essence (blood, urine, feces, eggs, sperm, energy, etc.) without my full knowledge and consent Must Be Destroyed. Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust They All Fall Down! So It Is.”

    All Their Efforts Are Futile, THEIR FUTURE ENDS HERE.

  54. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    June 24, 2016


    Worldwide Announcement: Landmass formerly known as the United States, is offically called Morena, Sovereign Land.

    The People of the Land Morena renounced their United States citizenship and stayed on Sovereign’s Land. Read more:

  55. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    June 26, 2016


    Recently I have been told to leave property I have occupied for over a month. The person had full knowledge of my Landowner status and Stateless/Sovereign standing. Thus it is important to send the below linked announcements, and the following notice.

    America Reclaimed BY Indigenous Land Owner-
    I Claim Jurisdiction Over the United States –

    Royal Decree-The United States Forfeits Land-

    Please send by Fax, Email, return receipt or express mail to all Foreign Departments, State Departments, Local administrative offices, Courts, Bailiffs, U.N. Dept of Indigenous issues and the Dept of Interior for filing under Public Notice-Public Record. Thank you for your prompt attention.
    Affidavit of Fact

    Adverse Repossession By Landowner and Sovereign Authority.

    I, Sovereign Crown Denderah- Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:El, adverse repossess the land dwelling, fixtures and furnituring at 35.28376 latitude and -80.865773 longitude respectively.

    Repossession becomes an act of necessity and is a “self-help” type of action in which the party having right of ownership of the property in question takes the property back from the party who took it possession of it (or its acting representative) without invoking courts.

    [Note: Courts cannot rule or make judgments when they lack jurisdiction.]

    Fee Simple Definition: Land ownership status in which the owner holds title and control of property. The owner make decisions about the land use, sell the land without government oversight.

    As the Indigenous Heir to these lands whose history and inheritance is tied to the land I claim these lands and property. Property repossessed by the indigenous landowner is both legal and lawful.

    Thus, Adverse Repossession measures as interpreted by courts, states and state citizens are not applicable to landowners. Landowners simply possess the land or declare their property as informed consent.

    [Decreed on June 24, 2016 From Beginningless Time]


    To acknowledge the contribution of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations to the development of the United States Constitution and to reaffirm the continuing government-to-government relationship between Indian tribes and the United States established in the Constitution.

    Whereas the original framers of the Constitution, including, most notably, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, are known to have greatly admired the concepts of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy;

    Whereas the confederation of the original Thirteen Colonies into one republic was influenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the Constitution itself;

    Reaffirms the government-to-government relationship between the United States and Indian tribes.

    Reaffirms the trust responsibility and obligation of the Government to Indian tribes, including Alaska Natives.

    Read the full Resolution: house resolution 331

  56. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    June 27, 2016

    Thank you all for standing by me.

    On June 27, 2016 [End Time] the above press releases were given to the City Clerks office to file. It is noted on their website they serve as the historian to the community and their history goes back to the 11th century (1200’s). So It was equally as important these documents get filed there.

    Initially I was told maybe it should go to another department. But I knew from the information on their website it was the right place as it pre-dates current history. In the end I left with stamped copies and they had theirs in hand as I walked out the door.

    Next I met with the Recorder of Deeds, and spoke to their supervisor. She read over the Affidavit of Fact and assisted in getting it immediately in their records as Public Notice.

    The documents consisted of the Affidavit of Fact, the first page of the Affidavit of Truth from June 27, 2011, and the above Press Releases. So it is in their system and is Informed Consent.

    I will update this information to the Press Release- Public Notice-Public Record. Thank you all for your help in getting this information out and to the general public. .

    The People of the Land, Morena. Borderless, Countryless, Stateless. A Land of Sovereign Communities.

  57. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    September 27, 2016

    Accessible and Free For All.

    Ancient history should not be limited to a select few. It should be available for all, and Free For All.

    The indigenous people of this planet have been left in such a dismal condition they lack the knowledge of their True Roots, former brilliance and potential.

    Investigating history is a right that must be expressed by all. It is a tool that can be used to pull indigenous people out of their current condition; and awaken them to the truth of who they are.

    I am not a political activist, not a Muslim, or any other terminology used to separate people. I am simply a Sentient Being practicing the Bodhisattva Way.

    I will leave you with this interesting note. A comedian noticed two Native Americans sitting in the audience while delivering his stand-up routine. He said (addressing the audience), “Hey we got some Native Americans in the audience tonight.” The two people turned towards the audience, waving and smiling (Yes, we are Native Americans). The comedian continued, “Can I ask you a question. “What was America called before it was called America?”

    The people known as Negros were not from “Africa”, they were from here. I like the below speech because it asks the listener to question the world around them.

    To raise the vibration of this planet we all must help. Pass along any information you find on this website. Print it and leave it for others to read, question and awaken. Thank you.

  58. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    October 5, 2016
  59. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    January 16, 2017

    INTERNATIONAL NOTICE Reestablish Sovereign Republic

    Immediate Release

    There is a 30 day period within your government between the election of your president and their term ceremony, whereby someone with historical continuity to the land (the original Republic) gives notice to your government to inform them the land has been reestablished by an heir to the land who is in their proper status and standing (Indigenous and Stateless). I AM here today to give such notice. —Sovereign Crown Denderah


  60. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    February 22, 2017


    Since going public with the Empty Building /Missing Persons report I have been having trouble updating material on this website, and others unable to access it.

    My Website Needs to be Mirrored. Please be weary of any registration that is required of you. Like, Donors Registration on your Drivers License and Voters Application which registers you as an Organ Donor.

    Do Not have I.D. it gives Consent! Or like the man in the video DO NOT SAY THE NAME! (You are not the name!)

  61. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    March 1, 2017

    [NOTE: THIS COMMENT IS FROM OCTOBER LAST YEAR. It can be found in the comment section of older articles. ]

    Dendr, the root of my title (Denderah) means Tree.
    Never forget that, because I want you to be strong just like a Tree.

    All Nations, States, Countries are run by a Shadow government. The government you see on television is NOT your government, they are figure heads.

    Your government is run by Shadow Opertions within government departments, which use people as currency. So every “person” has a value attached to them which is traded in world financial markets, as well as undergroud trafficking markets.


    When you vote you agree to be used in these systems. It does not matter if you vote for or against something, your Act of voting is your agreement.

    The same is true for Courts. If you go to Court you agree to be used. So whether you plea guilty or innocent, you are automatically guilty and under their jurisdiction to be monetized, traded and used. Those that answer Yes or No, are also guilty and under their jurisdiction. That is why you will hear them frequently say, Answer Yes or No.

    So what should I say if I am taken to Court? (you say)
    Remain Silent. (They Warn You: Anything you say can and will be used against you. )

    Why is this important? Because we are seeing the end of their rule. And true to form they are wilding out- snatching people more than ever, stockpiling humans.

    There are many operations, too many to list.They are ALL managed and run by the Police.

    Missing Children are used in adult sex rings, and sacrifices
    Missing Women are used in underground Birthing Centers, body parts, sex slaves
    Missing Men are used for their body parts, slave camps, hunting games,
    And a lot of the missing are kept in mansions of the rich.

    There are two key factors.
    1. They use your Agreements\ Contracts against you-Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Disability, etc. because they pay you profits, in the form of Benefits, in their eyes you agree.

    2. Hypnosis, Compliance Drugs (Scopolamine) and Fear.



  62. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    March 16, 2017


    The whole world is watching to see if the so-called African-Americans (American Indians) will wake up in time.

    [Please Note: I am being harassed and threatened by the Police for exposing the Slavery Lie. Please share this Link. Thank you.]

  63. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    April 26, 2017

    Untold amounts of Indigenous People of “America” were murdered, lynched and threatened to never speak about their heritage, and connection to the land.

    Many present-day incarcerations, premeditated set-ups by law enforcement, and murders are committed to keep these true land owners unaware of their inheritance, and dependent upon state and federal subsidies for their survival.

    Their story has never been told…


    We all must face the lies that formed this crumbling society, and return these rightful heirs (those to whom you call Black) to their proper position without state intrusion.

    Some of the Crimes committed by Federal agencies, State agents, and their citizens against these indigenous heirs include: Killing for land, Forced sterilization, Medical experiments, Missing men, women and children, Human organ trafficking.


    The Hauge
    (International City of Peace and Justice Working towards a Better World)

    International Court of Justice (World Court)
    Peace Palace – The Netherlands

    Inform them of the situation in “America” – Missing People, Killing for Land, Forced Displacement (Human Trafficking)

  64. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    December 29, 2017
  65. DoMoreGoodDeeds
    June 23, 2018

    Please note: There is an order for evacuation and removal of Citizens and Residence that refuse to publicize the information ordered. Please send the above announcement to Community Houses worldwide to have placed on Community Bulletin Boards.

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